Specialty Anti-Corrosive Pigment
NoelsonChem™ offers a wide range of universal anti-corrosive pigments, which offer sustainable and eco-friendly anti-corrosive capabilities that significantly extend the life of metal and reduce costs over the long term.
Superfine Ferro-Phosphorous
Excellent anti-corrosive with abrasion and heat resistance properties up to 600-1000℃.
Metal Protective Pigment
Modified synthetic silica with a calcium ion exchange as an additive in high-performance industrial coatings of metal and paints.
Micaceous Iron Oxide
Naturally occurring mineral substance used as the primary ingredient in protective coatings and primers due to its anti-corrosive properties.
Compound Ferro-Titanium
Compound Ferro-Titanium improves anti-corrosive properties of the coating by producing a complex salt iron phosphate layer that firmly adheres to the steel substrate, effectively creating a barrier against water and moisture